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Custom Homes v Modular

If you are planning on building a new home, then it is likely that this will be one of the biggest projects you will have ever undertaken. For many individuals it is a significant investment in both time & money which is why it is extremely important to get everything right. Being as informed as possible about your options here is essential and that is why this article is going to explore two common choices for new builds, a custom home and a modular home.

There is a big difference between these property types, so let’s take a look at what each offers, and how they differ.

Custom Homes

Working with custom home builders will ensure that you get a property which fits your needs. You will be on hand during the design process and this means that every detail of the property will be to your liking. Client input is heavily encouraged throughout and the custom home builders will take care of all subcontractors, providing total service.

Custom builders will construct the property on-site and will continue to check details with you as the build continues. Ultimately this is an option which gives you total freedom regarding the design and build of your new home.

Modular Homes

A modular home is one which is prefabricated and then built off-site, usually inside a factory or a warehouse. You can still be active in the design of such a property, but there are many more limitations that you will find, owing to the nature of the construction. What happens with this property is that each piece or module of the property is built before it arrives on-site, at which point it is constructed. Whilst these properties are built in a different way, they still provide a high quality final house.

Differences Between Custom and Modular

There are some notable differences between these two property types. We’ll start with the price of each and as you can imagine, having custom builders create your home usually comes at a higher cost. Custom builds are more expensive because of the service that is provided to you, the flexibility which you have and the length of the build. In contrast, a modular home can be built with far fewer overheads and using cheaper processes.

Regarding time you can expect a custom build to take longer, and modular homes are erected incredibly quickly once the parts arrive. Yet another key difference here is that modular homes are considered more environmentally friendly, thanks to the materials and the process which is used in the creation.

Despite being more expensive and far more time consuming, using custom home builders will offer you the chance to design and style the property of your dreams. A custom option ensures that the property meets all of your needs and that is something which many decide is worth paying for. When choosing between the two options it is important to ensure you have a firm idea on what you are looking to achieve & whether the build is related more to costs or creating your dream home?

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