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Dealing with Roof Punctures

Roof punctures are common when a weight or sharp pressure is placed on your roof. Roof punctures can happen quickly and lead to serious water damage across your property. Even a small puncture may allow moisture to continue seeping into your roof and increase the chance for greater damage like a major leak. Roof punctures can often be caused by the weather or improper maintenance. High winds or storm debris can often compromise the integrity of your roof and lead to the chance of roof punctures. If your roof is old it’s much more susceptible to the risk of roofing punctures.

If you need to make adjustments to your HVAC system, antennas or other structures on your roof it is important to keep proper roofing safety in mind to make sure that you can prevent punctures. Increased foot traffic, setting something down abruptly or attaching one of these items incorrectly could lead to a major puncture that could compromise your roof. Inspections for roof punctures can be done by professionals or you can look for the signs of roof punctures inside your home through the attic or through pooling water on the top of your roof. By making sure you can spot the signs early, you can work to prevent future damage to your roof.

If you are starting to notice the signs of leaks inside your home and there has been a storm event or some type of adjustment done on your roof recently, consider contacting our experts today so we can make sure that you can get access to the right assistance in managing roof punctures. We are a team of highly skilled roofing contractors that can help you deal with roof leaks early on and use the best materials and technology to seal up your roof, preventing issues for the future!

This post was written by Reggie Reed! Reggie is a state-certified roofing contractor and co-owner of Reggie Reed Roofing. He is a 4th generation roofing contractor. RR Roofing offers a wide variety of roofing services for residential homes, apartment complexes, condos, commercial buildings, churches and more. Reggie enjoys dedicating his spare time to helping underprivileged youth in his community and traveling with his family and friends.



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