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Easy Tips for Cleaning Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans have become one of the favorite cooling appliances for people. Not only is it convenient but extremely affordable too. Ceiling fans can prove to be extremely beneficial, especially for tropical weather. 

The ceiling fans work effectively, thereby serving your needs. However, like most of the appliances, the ceiling fans need cleaning too. It is extremely necessary to clean your ceiling fans from time to time to avoid any complications. 

Cleaning ceiling fans may not add complete glamour or turn them white, but it will surely help to add shine and sparkle to the fans, which is necessary. Fanscity has a range of affordable and attractive ceiling fans that you can include in your house. 

How to clean ceiling fans? 

Cleaning ceiling fans may be an extremely tough task, but it is totally worth it. If you are indulging in cleaning ceiling fans, you need to remove the blades. Moreover, dust is usually accommodated on the upper part of the ceiling fans. Therefore, you should wear eyeglasses so that the dust doesn’t fall into your eyes. 

Some of the common methods of cleaning ceiling fans effectively include the following: 

Use a vacuum cleaner

If you own a vacuum cleaner with a wide dusting attachment, you should use the proper manner for cleaning the fans. Moreover, you need to ensure that the blades are at a reachable distance. Apart from that, you can withdraw the blades from ceiling fans and clean them. 

It is advisable to use a stool to reach the blades and remove them. Make sure to clean the sides of the blades carefully. You need to repeat the process carefully in one direction only to receive a clean fan. If the dust is not removed, you can use a damp cloth for cleaning off the dust. 

An old pillowcase

It is time that you recycle your old pillowcase and use it for cleaning the fans. This may seem weird initially; it can be one great method for cleaning the fans. Either you can remove the blades and then dust them or reach the blades using a step ladder. 

Make sure to pull the pillowcase across the blades. It is advisable to dust and wipe the blades carefully. However, a lot of dust may fall off from the blades directly into your eyes. Therefore, do not look straight onto the blades while cleaning them. You can easily clean the residues using a damp dust cloth. 

A long-handled duster

If you are using a long-handled duster for cleaning the fans, you will not need the support of a ladder. Nonetheless, make sure your mouth and nose are covered so that you don’t inhale the dust. It is advisable to clean the bottom of the blades very carefully. You can use a tarp sheet on the ground to easily accumulate the dust and dirt and get rid of it. 

Cleaning fans on your own can be challenging, which is why you may need to hire experts. However, you can apply a protective layer on the fans to prevent the dust and dirt from accumulating on them. 

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