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Give Your Home a Neat and Sparkly Finish by Accomplishing These Spring Cleaning Chores

Good health can be directly related to a clean home. When your home is clean and sparkling from the inside out, you’re safe from allergens and other illnesses. For most households, cleaning is a part of everyday tasks since doing it can minimize the chores you have to accomplish during spring cleaning.

But even though you clean a little daily, there are still spots, nooks, and crevices in your home that are bereft of a thorough cleanse. To prepare for your spring cleaning chores, take note of the things below and give your home an efficient cleaning.  

Start From Top to Bottom

Since there are more facilities on the bottom part of your house, you might think it’s better to get the ones that require the most cleaning first thing, but that’s not efficient once you bring in dust from upstairs. To ensure that you clean efficiently without wasting your efforts, you must start at the top and bring in dust and mess downstairs to deal with it all at once.

Attend to Areas Not Normally Cleaned

Usually, floors and countertops are the most cleaned parts of your home; though they still need to be wiped and dusted during your general cleaning, you should also focus more on the spaces you tend to the least. You’ll want to check behind furniture, under your sink, and the other tight spaces in your home for dust bunnies and other clutter.


Spring cleaning is not only wiping, dusting, and organizing the things in your home; moreover, you also ought to get rid of unneeded stuff to create more space. You’d need a large sack to throw away piles of documents that you no longer need, empty bottles, and other unused things. Once you have gone through all your cabinets, you’ll come up with an incredible amount of trash but more storage for your belongings. 

Don’t Forget the Walls and Windows

The walls and windows of your home are probably ones you most come in contact with, giving you the assumption that they don’t need as much cleaning as the other parts of your home. But your walls, windows, and ceiling can be just as dirty as the rest of your house. Dusting your walls to remove thin cobwebs and wiping your floors to clean stains will give it the sparkle it needs.

Look Through Your Cabinets and Drawers

Your cabinets and drawers are concealed from the naked eye, letting things that you can no longer use stay hidden for months at a time. Organizing drawers and cabinets are the part of your spring cleaning that you can’t disregard. To give your drawers a meticulous clean, you need to take out their contents and separate the ones you still need from those that no longer work. 

Launder Your Carpets and Sheets

Even if you regularly vacuum your carpets, invisible germs and microbes still thrive in colonies amongst its fibers. Because your carpets frequently come in contact with outdoor footwear, germs can be easily transmitted. Same with your sheets, microbes and bed bugs pose a grave threat to your health since it directly touches your face. To ensure that these household items are clean, you must make it a point to vacuum your carpets at least twice a week and have them professionally cleaned once a year.

Use HEPA-Equipped Vacuums

You can do a lot of things to avoid triggering an allergic reaction during your spring cleaning. You can wear a mask or use a damp towel to wipe dusty surfaces, or you can use a vacuum with a HEPA filter. HEPA-equipped vacuums can eliminate dust and allergens, ensuring that you breathe in clean air even when dealing with ample amounts of dust. To further enhance your indoor air quality, you can also hire a professional air duct cleaning service company to disinfect your vents.

Clean Your Kitchen Equipment

Cleaning equipment is also often cast aside during regular cleaning schedules, which you really should change since you use them to make your meals. Traces of crumbs, grime, and oil often plague the internal areas of your microwave, oven, coffeemaker, fridge, and this can cause the appearance of pests and the growth of bacteria. To sanitize your equipment, you should give it a complete clean by scrubbing its internal cavities and cleaning them after every use. 

Clean Your Electronics

Electronics such as mobile phones, remote control, and computer accessories are needed most of the time, making them an ideal source for transmitting bacteria. These things are mainly used by the whole household, making it vital that you clean them regularly using a microfiber cloth that’s dampened with a bit of water or cleaning solution. 

Be well prepared for your upcoming spring cleaning task, and make sure to accomplish all chores on your list to give your house a clean and shiny finish.

Meta title: Clean Your Home Efficiently by Creating a Checklist
meta desc: When you clean your house thoroughly, you also improve your living environment and maintain good health. Read on and learn how you can do it properly.

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