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Preventing animals from digging under your foundation

If you have ever had an animal dig under your foundation, you know how frustrating and costly it can be. Not only does the damage caused by the animal itself need to be repaired, but you also have to fix the hole they created to get in, in the first place! In this blog post, we will discuss tips on preventing animals from digging under your foundation. By following these tips, you can keep your home and property safe from these pesky critters!

Signs that animals are digging under your home’s foundation: When it comes to keeping animals out, the best offense is a good defense. The first step in preventing animals from digging under your foundation is to look for signs that they are already doing so. Some of these signs include:

-Holes in your foundation

-Gaps under your doors or windows

-Animals coming into your home through these holes

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take action immediately to prevent further damage.

What animals dig under foundations? Several different animals can be the culprits when it comes to foundation damage. Some of the most common animals that dig under foundations include:







These animals are attracted to your home for several reasons, including food, water, and shelter. It is important to remove any attractants from around your home, to keep them away.

How to prevent animals from digging under your foundation:

There are several different things that you can do to prevent animals from digging under your foundation. Some of these include:

-Sealing up holes and gaps in your foundation: One of the most effective ways to keep animals from getting into your home is to seal up any holes or gaps in your foundation. This will create a barrier that the animals will not be able to breach.

-Installing a fence: Another way to prevent animals from getting under your foundation is to install a fence around your property. This will create a physical barrier that the animals will not be able to cross.

-Removing attractants: As we mentioned, animals are attracted to your home for several reasons, including food, water, and shelter. Removing these attractants from your property can make it less appealing to the animals and deter them from coming onto your property.

-Hiring a professional: If you have difficulty keeping animals away from your foundation, you may consider hiring a foundation professional. These experts will be able to help you assess the situation and come up with a plan to keep the animals away for good.

Prevention tools will only last as long as you don’t have a problem. You’ll have to take extra steps when you start having a problem. These include:

-Repairing damages: If animals have already managed to get under your foundation, it is important to repair the damage they have done as soon as possible. This will help prevent further damage from being done and will also make it less likely for the animals to return.

-Trapping and removing the animals: Once you have repaired the damage, you will need to trap and remove the animals from your property. This can be a difficult and dangerous task, so it is important to hire a professional if you are not experienced.

Professional guide to removing animals under your foundation:

The moment you start noticing animals in your foundation, you will be left with little option but to remove them. When removing animals, you can’t just go in guns blazing. You need a professional guide to help you through the process and ensure it is done correctly.

When removing animals from under your foundation, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind.

First of all, you need to make sure that you identify the animals correctly. This is important because different animals will require different removal methods. Once you have correctly identified the animals, you can move on to the next step.

The next step is to seal any holes or gaps the animals have used to get under your foundation. This will help prevent them from getting back in and will also deter other animals from trying to get in.

Once you have sealed the holes, you must set up traps to catch the animals. This is a delicate process, so it is important to hire a professional if you are not experienced in doing so. Once the animals have been caught, you can remove them from your property.

If there are some stubborn animals that just won’t leave, you may need to resort to more extreme measures. This includes things like using poison or gas to kill the animals. However, this should only be done as a last resort and should never be done without professional guidance.

As you can see, a lot goes into preventing animals from getting under your foundation. However, if you follow the steps outlined above, you should be able to keep them away for good. If you are having difficulties, don’t hesitate to hire a professional to help you out. They will be able to assess the situation and develop a plan tailored specifically to your needs.

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