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Understanding CNC Machining 101

With any endeavour, a profound understanding of the nuances involved is always helpful in avoiding the accompanying pitfalls as well as extracting optimum utility from that skill or method. This rings true with CNC machining as well. In this article, we are going to wholly examine CNC machining and gain a robust understanding about the field: what it means, its methods, its advantages, and its disadvantages.

Modern CNC services are automated and employ the use of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software. Usually, an engineer will input the design instructions by hand for the more simple design specifications and will employ the use of CAD and/or CAM software with more complex design work. Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM’s) are also used to physically map objects to the system. Once the part is designed in the system, the software automatically formulates a series of steps that are followed systematically until the end goal is reached. During production, the machines follow these steps and the resulting end product are parts that are completely identical in every measurable metric.

In order to fully understand CNC machining, it is important to understand the implements used and they include:

The applications for CNC machines are vast. CNC methods can be applied to drilling, milling, turning, broaching, deep drilling, etching, honing, jig boring, laser machining, screw machining, swiss machining, jet machining, and super abrasive machining to mention a few.

With regards to the materials that CNC services can work, there are actually a limited number and they depend on the capabilities of the equipment. Most equipment struggle to handle metals with high hardness without causing wear on the cutting tools. Some equipment also struggle with temperature sensitive materials.

You should also be sure to analyze the underlying risks associated with the business.Answer the question,“Is it booming in your city?” Are other businesses of the same kind making profits or even breaking even? Do you have a strategy that will differentiate your business (if the market is already saturated)? These are a few of the questions you need to ask yourself and answer as well before taking the plunge. Note, business is risk. Take out a feasibility study and carefully analyze the findings before proceeding.



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