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Why You Need to Maintain Your HVAC System Every Year

These days, most homes have an HVAC system, which controls the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning in a house. HVAC systems enable homeowners to adjust the temperature, no matter how hot or cold it is outside, to make the inside of the home comfortable. Because they are so important to a home, HVAC systems should be checked annually to ensure that they are operating properly. Without performing a yearly inspection, there would be no way to detect any issues or need for maintenance. And, keeping on top of the HVAC system regularly might prevent larger issues down the road.

System Buildup

Just like other home appliances, these systems function best when kept clean. If you do not service your HVAC system yearly as recommended, it could get a build-up of dirt and debris in the system. Specifically, the air filters and condensing coils might get clogged. After a year of use, the efficiency of the system starts to deteriorate, possibly as much as 5%! As every year passes, more dust and dirt build-up in the system until the system is no longer working optimally, which means your house is not cooling or warming as it should be.

This can be prevented by scheduling regular maintenance. Ideally, the maintenance should be scheduled for the spring, but any time of year is better than not at all!

Higher Costs

Once the air filter becomes clogged with debris, the system has to work harder to cool or heat the home. The result is greater use of energy, and a higher electric or gas bill than expected. You might think that you are saving money by not maintaining the system annually but in the long run, you will probably end up paying more.

This could lead to an AC or heating emergency if the system stops working all together, which means a lot more money spent for repairs or replacement, or service during off-hours. Regularly scheduled maintenance on the system can help to avoid high repair bills and avoid any surprises.


Regular Maintenance

Air conditioning filters are the key components to a system that functions optimally. During annual maintenance, the air filter is cleaned or replaced. Other parts, such as the air conditioning coils and coil fins, are checked as well to make sure that they are in proper working condition. Professional HVAC technicians will be able to diagnose any issues and fix them, which means your system will continue to run well and provide a healthy living environment.

Schedule Your Maintenance Today

It is clear that yearly HVAC maintenance has long-term benefits to the system and to your wallet! Regular maintenance could prevent large, costly repairs due to dirt and dust buildup. Since it is only required once a year, it is a manageable cost to keep your house at the temperature you desire. Global Heating and Air Conditioning provides all HVAC services to keep your home’s HVAC system in the best condition.

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