Home Improvement

5 Reasons Why Weather Seals Are Essential for Your Window

Window seals can wear down from aging and day-to-day use, allowing drafts to leak into homes. The problem can be costly, with the loss of heated and cooled air showing up on energy bills.

Reliable window seals keep rain, bugs, and critters out while climate-controlled air stays in. This helps to preserve wood framing and reduce moisture, one of the major causes of mold and mildew in homes.

Energy Efficiency

Many older homes and even some newer ones have numerous little cracks and gaps through which warm air escapes during the winter and unwanted hot air enters during the summer. This is one of the most common causes of higher energy bills and can be easily corrected with a weather seal.

To test your current door and window weather seals:

  1. Grab a friend or a spouse at night and have them stand outside while you close the doors to your home.
  2. Have them shine a flashlight around the edges to see if you can see the light shining in.
  3. If you do, add a window weather seal or caulk to your home.

Various options are available to help you find the best solution, including tubular vinyl gaskets and stop adjusters that fit into millwork grooves, adhesive foam tape, and V-channel (also known as tension seal). Spring bronze is a good choice for wood windows for a more durable option and can be nailed in place.

Reduced Allergens

Allergens linger inside homes in a variety of ways. Thick fabric drapes, for instance, trap pollen and other allergens that cause allergy symptoms. Likewise, blinds and shutters that require regular cleaning trap spores, dust mites, pet dander, and other asthma triggers.

Weatherstripping’s main purpose is energy efficiency, but it also helps to keep moisture out of a home. Mold and mildew thrive in moist conditions and are common asthma triggers. Updating your windows with caulking and new window weather stripping is a simple and inexpensive way to improve the indoor air quality in your home.

This is especially important for allergy sufferers. Classic outdoor warm-weather allergens wreak havoc on sufferers half the year, and indoor allergies from mold and other irritants impact them the rest of the time.

Increased Home Value

Having windows with proper seals can help you save money on energy bills and keep your home at the right temperature. It also helps protect your furniture, carpet, and draperies from fading and deteriorating due to drafts.

Window seals can be applied using caulk or a special type of sealant. They can be placed in the cracks around your window frame, wall framing, or even the space around a sliding door track.

Choosing the correct type of weather stripping depends on your needs and budget. Foam tape is an inexpensive and easy option, and it can be cut with a pair of tin snips to fit your window precisely. Spring bronze is an excellent choice for a longer-term solution for its durability and strength.

Reduced Moisture

Moisture entering your home through gaps around windows and doors can cause wood framing members to rot, leading to structural damage. It can also lead to mold and mildew, which are dangerous for your family’s health. Effective window seals limit the moisture that enters your house through these spaces.

Foam weather stripping is easy to apply and fills large gaps effectively, but it doesn’t last long. Adhesive foam tape is more durable and offers a better value, and you can find it in rolls of different sizes. You can cut the tape with scissors or tin snips to fit your window. It’s important to apply the tape to a clean, dry surface. It requires a little work, but the results are worth it!

Reduced Pests

Bugs like ants flies, and mosquitoes are drawn to warm indoor environments, especially those that offer shelter from the elements. Old or damaged residential windows can be a highway into your home for these pests.

Sealing your window with caulk or special sealant can help prevent bugs from crawling into your home. Adding door sweeps and weather stripping can also help reduce gaps that allow bugs to sneak in.

Adhesive-backed foam tape is the most common and affordable type of weather stripping. It comes in rolls of different sizes and can be easily applied to the top or bottom of a window sash. These flexible strips provide a tight seal against air and cushion the window when slammed shut. They can also add soundproofing and cushioning to the door frame.