Interior Design

Awkward Living Room Layout with a Corner Fireplace

awkward living room layout with corner fireplace

For most, a fireplace is a living room’s heart and soul. Yet, when it’s placed in a corner, the room’s layout can suddenly feel awkward and challenging to decorate. If you find yourself puzzled by how to deal with this architectural quirk, this article offers multiple strategies to transform that awkward corner fireplace into a cozy and inviting space.

The Challenges

A corner fireplace can be a blessing and a curse. While charming, it can also break up valuable wall space, making it tricky to position furniture, art, and electronics. Here, we’ll address the challenges and how to turn them into opportunities.

Strategic Furniture Placement

Option 1: Embrace the Corner

Position a cozy armchair or loveseat beside the fireplace to create a reading nook. This makes the fireplace a functional part of the room rather than an awkward obstruction.

Option 2: Parallel Universe

Arrange your sofa and chairs in a way that they run parallel to the fireplace, maintaining a visual flow while creating separate focal points.

Option 3: Diagonal Dynamism

Set your furniture at an angle in relation to the fireplace. This non-traditional approach adds visual interest and breaks the monotony.

Utilize Vertical Space

Maximize vertical space around your corner fireplace by installing floating shelves or tall bookcases. This can help draw the eye upward, minimizing the fireplace’s awkward positioning.

Styling and Accessories

Consider using area rugs, plants, and artwork to break up the space and provide balance. A well-placed rug can delineate areas for specific activities, while plants and artwork can complement the fireplace and pull the room together.

Palette and Texture

Select a color palette that complements both the fireplace and the rest of the room. Layer textures through throw pillows, blankets, and different materials to add depth and soften the angularity of the fireplace.


Don’t just view your corner fireplace as a seasonal piece. Incorporate it into your daily living by placing plants or a stack of books on the hearth during the warmer months.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I choose the right furniture for a living room with a corner fireplace?

    • Opt for furniture that is versatile and can be easily moved to adapt to the room’s unique layout.

  • Can a corner fireplace be a focal point?

    • Yes, by using design elements like color contrast and vertical lines, you can make your corner fireplace a room’s focal point.

  • Is it okay to place a TV near a corner fireplace?

    • Placing a TV above or adjacent to a corner fireplace can work if done thoughtfully. Make sure to consider the height and angle for comfortable viewing.


An awkward living room layout with a corner fireplace doesn’t have to stay that way. By applying strategic furniture placement, optimizing vertical space, and adding balanced styling elements, you can create a cohesive and inviting environment. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity for a design breakthrough.