Home Improvement

Bathroom Organization Tips for Tiny Bathrooms

When it comes to bathroom organization, small spaces can pose a big challenge. In tiny bathrooms, every square inch counts, and clutter can accumulate quickly. However, with some creative thinking and smart solutions, you can transform your cramped bathroom into a well-organized oasis. In this blog post, we’ll explore bathroom organization tips specifically tailored for tiny bathrooms.

1. Declutter first

Before you dive into organizing your tiny bathroom, start by decluttering. Go through your bathroom items and be ruthless about what you keep. Dispose of expired products, old medications, and items you haven’t used in months. Decluttering will create a clean slate for your organization efforts.

2. Wall-mounted storage

One of the most effective ways to maximize storage in a small bathroom is by installing wall-mounted storage solutions. Consider adding shelves, cabinets, or baskets to the walls. This not only frees up precious floor space but also keeps your essentials within arm’s reach. Opt for open shelves to keep frequently used items easily accessible or closed cabinets to maintain a clutter-free appearance.

3. Over-the-door organizers

The back of your bathroom door can become valuable storage real estate. Hang over-the-door organizers to store toiletries, cleaning supplies, or towels. These organizers come in various sizes and styles, making it easy to find one that suits your needs. It’s a simple yet effective way to take advantage of vertical space.

4. Floating vanity or sink

Choosing a floating vanity or wall-mounted sink is a game-changer for tiny bathrooms. These fixtures create the illusion of more floor space, making the room feel less cramped. Additionally, they provide room for storage underneath, whether in the form of shelves or drawers. A floating vanity combines functionality with aesthetics, making your bathroom look and feel more spacious.

5. Use hooks

Hooks or pegs are your best friends in a tiny bathroom. Install them on the back of the bathroom door or on the walls to hang towels, robes, and accessories. Hooks take up minimal space and keep these items off the floor and within easy reach.

6. Drawer dividers

If your tiny bathroom has drawers, make the most of them by using drawer dividers. These dividers help keep toiletries, makeup, and grooming essentials organized and prevent items from getting jumbled together. You’ll be surprised how much more you can fit into a well-organized drawer.

7. Clear containers

Clear, labeled containers are an essential tool for anyone who wants an organized and efficient space. When it comes to the bathroom, these containers are especially useful for keeping small items like cotton balls, swabs, and bath salts in check.

But have you ever considered investing in a glass spray bottle for your DIY cleaning solutions? This sleek and environmentally friendly option will not only keep your space clean, but it will also look great on your shelf. Plus, the transparency of the glass will allow you to know exactly what cleaning product you are using at a glance.

8. Under-sink baskets

The space under the sink is often underutilized. Maximize it by placing bins or baskets to store cleaning supplies, extra toilet paper, and other bathroom necessities. Choose stackable containers to make the most of the vertical space under the sink. Keeping this area organized will prevent it from turning into a chaotic jumble of products.

9. Foldable furniture

In a tiny bathroom, every inch of floor space counts. Consider using foldable furniture, such as a wall-mounted folding table or chair. These pieces can be conveniently tucked away when not in use, providing you with extra space for tasks like folding laundry or doing your makeup.

10. Mirrored medicine cabinet

A mirrored medicine cabinet is a smart investment for small bathrooms. These cabinets not only provide a mirror for your daily routine but also offer valuable storage space. Look for models with built-in shelves to store medications, skincare products, and smaller toiletries. It’s a multifunctional solution that combines storage with a functional mirror.


A tiny bathroom doesn’t have to equate to a cluttered and disorganized space. With these bathroom organization tips, you can transform your small bathroom into a well-organized and functional oasis. Remember to declutter first, maximize vertical space, and use smart storage solutions to make the most of your limited square footage. By implementing these strategies, you’ll create a tiny bathroom that feels spacious, tidy, and inviting.