Home Improvement

Most Dangerous Electrical Hazards You Need to Be Aware of

If you are aware of the safety hazards in your home, you will be in a better position to make more informed decisions on how to be safe. When it comes to the electrical system of your property, below are some of the most dangerous electrical hazards that you need to be aware of.

Poor Wiring

One of the most dangerous electrical hazards that you need to be aware of is poor electrical wiring. The most seasoned electricians Melbourne locals rely on suggest that you avoid any do-it-yourself electrical work but rather acquire the help of professionals instead. In this way, any bad wiring will be properly resolved, reducing the chances of fires and power surges that can bring forth serious consequences.

Outlets Near Water Sources

Another dangerous electrical hazard that you need to be aware of is the position of your outlets, particularly those near water sources such as those in your bathroom or kitchen. In this case, you have to make sure that the outlets are installed at a safe distance away from the water source. This will significantly reduce the risk of any electrical shock.

Light Bulbs and Covered Electrical Cords

Even light bulbs can be a dangerous electrical hazard in your home particularly when they are located near a flammable material such as a bed or a drape, as well as other things like your upholstery. On the other hand, covered electrical cords and wires can also be a potential hazard because the heavy covering can cause the cords or wires to overheat.

Extension Cords

Tripping and other accidents can also occur around your extension cords, which is why this is also considered a dangerous electrical hazard. Aside from fixing your extension cords in place, make sure that they are not overloaded with several appliances or gadgets plugged in at the same time. There is also the option for you to use plastic socket closures on any of the unused sockets in the extension cord for added protection.

Final Word

Some of the most dangerous electrical hazards that you need to be aware of include poor wiring as well as outlets near water sources. You also need to take extra precautions when it comes to your light bulbs as well as extension cords. When you are aware of these electrical safety hazards, then you will be in a better position to protect yourself from the imminent danger that they bring.