
Solar Power VS Regular Electric Power

When it comes to powering your home or building, using electricity from a utility company is the usual, most obvious choice. There are other options available, including solar power.

However, some are either sceptical of solar power, or don’t know or understand enough about it. You may even be one of those people thinking that you’ll need solar panel servicing in Australia every few weeks so what you save on electricity will go to maintenance.

It’s true that solar power systems ran into several problems before, when the technology was still largely in its infancy. However, it’s come a long way since then; these days, solar energy is a serious contender in the energy business. This is especially true if you live in places like Australia where there’s lots of strong sunshine practically every day.

If you’re really considering investing in solar power, or want to know more before considering it, here’s what you need to know about the technology, and how it compares with regular electric power.

Regular Electric Power

First things first: paying for electricity from a utility company is the most convenient option, especially when you’re a new homeowner or your business has just acquired it’s first building. In most cases, the building is already hooked up to the grid, and you won’t need to take your wallet out to pay for anything right out of the gate. This convenience is what makes regular electric power a popular choice.

However, that doesn’t mean it’s without drawbacks, with the most obvious one being you, as a consumer, have no control over how much you pay per month. You can limit your energy use as much as possible, but that will do nothing to change what your utility company charges per kilowatt-hour (kWh). Also, when thinking about the long term, regular electric power is invariably more expensive than solar energy.

Solar Power 

As for solar power, the biggest benefit is that it’s less expensive than regular electric power in both the short and long term. Plus, having a solar panel array on your property increases its value, which is good news if you’re planning to sell that same property in the future. Outside of the initial investment for buying solar panels and having them installed, the energy you use is completely free, and it’s definitely an environmentally friendly and sustainable source.

However, we’ll be honest and say that it’s not for everyone. Owning your first property in any Australian city or suburb, be it a home or a commercial building, doesn’t automatically mean you’ll have enough extra cash to pay for the high upfront costs of the solar panels and installation. In addition, there’s some extra effort involved, mostly around having to look for the best installation company. Finally, you may not have enough space for a solar panel array, or your property doesn’t get enough sunlight for solar power to be a viable energy source for your energy needs.