Home Improvement

Choose the Finest Hvac Service As Per Your Requirement

Rise in performance of gas and electricity heating systems, confirmed breakthrough in Renewable Energies, great return of wood the choice in terms of energies and heating equipment has never been so vast. Here is a quick look at the different solutions available. As an element of home comfort cited first by individuals, heating represents 85% ¹ of the energy consumption of French households. This is a good reason to choose it carefully. Renovation, construction, geographic location, budget, are all parameters to take into account before equipping or re-equipping. With the hvac Athens GA you can have the best time.

Gas heating: the economic solution par excellence

Possible equipment / installations: boilers, condensing boilers, low temperature boilers, radiators, heated floors.

With 43% of domestic heating systems running on gas, it is the most popular energy for French households for primarily economic reasons. Cheap and clean, this fossil fuel had lost some of its interest in the eyes of owners before being “boosted” in 2009 by the 40% tax credit granted to condensing boilers , a model equipment with a yield of 10 to 15 % higher than standard boilers. The only drawback of condensing models is the higher price.

  • For those who would not have the budget, conventional or low-temperature, compact and efficient boilers will also cover all the needs of the house (heating + hot water). Note however, low temperature boilers no longer benefit from tax credit. Another important element to keep in mind with gas heating: the accessibility of the network. Although the latter extends from year to year, it is still not available everywhere. A solution is however possible with the purchase or rental of a tank.
  • n this case, however, the supply will be added to the list of drawbacks. Finally, be aware that from a comfort point of view, whether you choose radiators, a heated floor or a radiant ceiling, gas heating will provide uniform heat, pleasant and easy to control.

Average cost of gas heating: 0.066 € / kwh or around 1.056 euros per year¹.

Cost of an installation: for a condensing boiler, on average 5,000 euros.

Attention since 2010, the tax credit is equal to 15% (therefore minus 750 euros of tax credit.) Ecological footprint: 234 gCO² / kWh (natural gas) / 280gCO² / kWh (propane gas- in tank)

Electric heating: the widest choice of equipment on the market

Possible equipment / installations: heated floors, convectors, inertia radiator, storage radiators, and normal radiators.

Still considered too expensive and uncomfortable, electric heating is still in second place for domestic heating installations with 29.5% of French households equipped. Underfloor heating, radiant ceiling, storage heater, radiant heat… electricity is the energy that offers the widest choice of appliances on the market. In addition, the latter have little to do with the ancient energy-consuming convectors. Practical to install, in renovation as in construction, easily adaptable to small spaces and requiring no maintenance, electric heating equipment is also eliminating their only negative point, namely, excessive consumption.

The solution ? “Store heat”

Storage heaters, made of firebrick or soapstone, accumulate heat during off-peak hours to restore it during the day. It is the same principle with radiators with soft heat or inertia. Please note, however, that storage heaters can be large. In addition, if you heat very hard, you will need to recharge at the normal rate.